What is Trauma?

It seems the word trauma is used on a spectrum these days in our culture. We either laugh about it, talking about being embarrassed in 3rd grade by forgetting words to a speech, or what, for many people, is the more obvious trauma, like a car crash, invasive medical procedure or assault of some sort.

What if I told you anything on that spectrum should be considered a traumatic experience, and that such things seem to go away-if not stop our lives entirely?

In the conversation about trauma, 

if it's a big deal to you, it's a big deal.

If you recognize any of the below, you may have some unresolved traumas we can talk about.

  • intrusive memories of some event or experience
  • sleep problems, which may or may not involve nightmares or rumination about the event
  • habit of finding yourself in extremely dangerous situations over and over, or pattern of being victim of or involved in similar traumas over and over and over
  • moods are volatile and all over the place
  • predictably "triggered" by specific persons, places, memories, dates, things or smells
  • avoidance of anything related to some event, even at high cost (for instance, refusing to drive by a certain location, inability to tolerate discussing an event or a certain person, complete inability to ride in a car or take a flight)
  • memory impairment around a certain event or complete inability to access memory of a certain event (for instance, something you know for a fact happened that you were actively involved in, but you cannot connect with any memory of it)

I use a form of trauma treatment called EMDR, which is now the 'go to' treatment for psychological trauma. It is highly effective, brief, and extremely well-researched. (Here's a link to more info on EMDR.)

It takes an enormous amount of bravery, courage and even faith to try and face stuff like this. I'd be honored if you let asked me to help. Give me call or drop a line and let's make a plan.